Mechanical Heat Recovery and Ventilation (MHRV)
MVHR recovers heat from a building via a heat recovery ventilation unit which
is usually located in the attic, roof space or plant room.
Rather than just extracting air and replacing it with the air from outside, a heat
recovery system draws the heat from the extracted air and passes it to the air
which is being filtered in from outside. The extract and supply air do not flow
within the same pipes and there would be no cross contamination of the
different air flows.
The heat recovery unit is connected to room air valves via a network of
ducting throughout the building.
A heat recovery system works independently of your normal heating system,
in each room there are ventilation valves with filters that supply air in and out
of each room which all leads to the heat recovery unit. The unit works by
moving the stale air through the pipes whilst drawing in cold air from the
outside via other ducts.
in each room there are ventilation valves with filters that supply air in and out
of each room which all leads to the heat recovery unit. The unit works by
moving the stale air through the pipes whilst drawing in cold air from the
outside via other ducts.